Kathy Griffin Left Homeless Thanks to Elon Musk

From Hollywood A-Lister to Homeless: Kathy Griffin's Unexpected Fall from Grace Because of Elon Musk.

Saturday, March 25, 2023 | Chimniii Desk

Los Angeles, California – In what can only be described as a bizarre twist of fate, Kathy Griffin, the outspoken comedian and television personality, has recently found herself without a place to call home. And, according to Griffin, the reason for her current predicament is none other than tech billionaire Elon Musk.





In a recent interview with a local news outlet, Griffin explained that she lost everything in a settlement with Musk.


She claimed that Musk’s lawyers had made an offer that she simply couldn’t refuse, and as a result, she was left with no choice but to accept.


According to Griffin, the settlement wiped her out financially, leaving her with no home, no savings, and no prospects.


“I never thought it would come to this,” Griffin said tearfully. “I mean, I’ve always been a vocal critic of Elon Musk, but I never thought he would go this far. He’s ruined my life, plain and simple.”


Griffin went on to explain that she had been renting a modest apartment in the heart of Los Angeles, but that she was forced to leave when her lease expired and she was unable to secure a new one.






She claims that Musk’s legal team had warned her not to pursue any other avenues of income or housing, leaving her with no choice but to go homeless.


While many have expressed sympathy for Griffin’s plight, others have been quick to point out that she has had a history of making controversial statements and pushing boundaries, particularly when it comes to politics and social issues.



Some have even suggested that her current predicament may be the result of her own actions, rather than any wrongdoing on the part of Elon Musk or his legal team.


Regardless of the cause, it is clear that Kathy Griffin is in a difficult and uncertain situation.


For now, she is relying on the kindness of friends and fans to help her get back on her feet, but it remains to be seen what the future holds for this outspoken and controversial comedian.

