Starliner vs Crew Dragon: Which is Cheaper to Launch to the ISS?

Saturday, August 19, 2023 | Chimniii Desk

The Boeing CST-100 Starliner and SpaceX Crew Dragon are the two spacecraft currently being used to transport astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). Both spacecraft are capable of carrying up to seven astronauts, but they have different strengths and weaknesses.




One of the main factors to consider when choosing between Starliner and Crew Dragon is the cost per launch. According to a 2019 report by NASA's Office of Inspector General, the cost per launch of Starliner is estimated to be $345 million, while the cost per launch of Crew Dragon is estimated to be $209 million. This means that Crew Dragon is about 40% cheaper to launch than Starliner.



There are a few reasons why Crew Dragon is cheaper to launch than Starliner. First, SpaceX has more experience launching rockets than Boeing. SpaceX has launched over 1,000 rockets, while Boeing has only launched about 100 rockets. This experience gives SpaceX a significant advantage in terms of efficiency and cost savings.




Second, Crew Dragon is a simpler spacecraft than Starliner. Crew Dragon has fewer components and systems than Starliner, which makes it easier to build and maintain. This simplicity also makes Crew Dragon less prone to failures, which can also save money in the long run.


Finally, SpaceX uses the Falcon 9 rocket to launch Crew Dragon, while Boeing uses the Atlas V rocket to launch Starliner. The Falcon 9 is a newer and more efficient rocket than the Atlas V, which also contributes to the lower cost of Crew Dragon launches.




In addition to the cost per launch, there are other factors to consider when choosing between Starliner and Crew Dragon. These factors include the safety record of each spacecraft, the availability of launch dates, and the capabilities of each spacecraft.


Both Starliner and Crew Dragon have had successful test flights, but Starliner has had more problems than Crew Dragon. In 2019, Starliner experienced a software glitch during a test flight that prevented it from reaching the ISS. This glitch was fixed, but it raised concerns about the safety of Starliner.


SpaceX has not had any major problems with Crew Dragon. Crew Dragon has successfully flown two crewed missions to the ISS, and it is currently scheduled to fly two more crewed missions in 2023.






In terms of availability, Crew Dragon has more launch dates available than Starliner. This is because SpaceX has more rockets than Boeing, and it also has a larger launch manifest.


Finally, Crew Dragon has more capabilities than Starliner. Crew Dragon can carry up to seven astronauts, while Starliner can only carry up to four astronauts. Crew Dragon can also dock with the ISS autonomously, while Starliner requires the assistance of astronauts to dock.


Overall, Crew Dragon is the cheaper and safer option for launching astronauts to the ISS. However, Starliner may be a better option for missions that require more astronauts or that require more manual control.




The decision of which spacecraft to use for a mission to the ISS depends on a number of factors, including the cost, the safety record, the availability of launch dates, and the capabilities of the spacecraft. In most cases, Crew Dragon is the better option because it is cheaper, safer, and more capable than Starliner. However, Starliner may be a better option for missions with specific requirements.