Elon Musk Unveils The Most Terrifying Ticking Bomb That Causes Satellites Loss

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 | Chimniii Desk

Recently, 40 Starlink satellites fell out of orbit shortly after being launched. Before impacting the ground, these forty satellites disintegrated in the atmosphere. This has never occurred previously.

And according to Elon Musk, the reason for the satellites' demise is a ticking time bomb that might endanger all of us. Currently, the question is "what is actually happening?" We are going to discover.

The newest fleet of satellites from SpaceX descended from orbit. According to the latest online company update, Up to forty of the fifty-nine small satellites launched have either reentered the atmosphere or burned up.


According to them, a geomagnetic storm caused the atmosphere to become denser, hence causing the Starlink satellites to fail. Controllers on the ground attempted to save the small, flat-panel satellites by placing them in hibernation and flying them in a manner that would cause the least amount of drag.

According to the company, the tremendous air pull prevented the satellites from awakening and ascending to a higher, more stable orbit. The satellites affected by the solar storm were only in orbit for a brief period of time.

SpaceX places them in this atypically low orbit to guarantee that any failures reenter the atmosphere quickly and do not endanger subsequent flights. According to the corporation, these satellites pose no hazard in space or on the ground.


The Federal Communications Commission continues to examine SpaceX's proposal to launch over 30,000 Starlink satellites of the second generation into new orbital configurations. Nonetheless, the satellite failures illustrate the challenges posed by the emergence of mega-satellite constellations.

SpaceX described the missing satellites as a "one-of-a-kind occurrence." Intense solar activity, such as flares, can cause geomagnetic storms by propelling plasma from the sun's corona into space and toward Earth.

OneWeb, a British-Indian company that emerged from bankruptcy in 2020 and is scheduled to launch an additional 34 satellites this week, is not SpaceX's only rival in the satellite communication sector. This year, the company plans to extend its business services.

Amazon is establishing the groundwork for its Project Kuiper satellite network in Redmond, not far from SpaceX's satellite manufacturing factory. In comments filed with the FCC, Amazon cited satellite failures and the likelihood of orbital collisions as factors to consider when evaluating SpaceX's Gen2 proposal.

After launch, about 200 Starlink satellites have been retired owing to orbital failure, purposeful or unintentional deorbiting, or both. However, let's examine the specifics of the reason behind the recent loss of satellites.


How are geomagnetic storms defined? Sun-generated radiation and charged particles cause geomagnetic storms, which are brief disturbances of the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere (also known as the magnetosphere).

As this solar matter collides with our planet at tremendous speed, the surrounding magnetic field deflects it toward the poles. It causes auroras to appear as 'curtains' of light by reacting with chemicals in the upper atmosphere.

In the meantime, the swiftly moving charges form their own intense magnetic field, which induces a fresh set of electrical currents in the ground. In the meantime, the swiftly moving charges form their own intense magnetic field, which induces a fresh set of electrical currents in the ground.

During moments of intense solar activity, these currents can be strong enough to overwhelm entire electrical systems and destroy sensitive electronics.

According to newly disclosed naval data, in 1972, geomagnetic storms triggered the detonation of dozens of sea mines off the coast of Vietnam. In 1859, one of the most severe storms known as the Carrington Event occurred, and it was not soon forgotten.

There were complaints of malfunctioning telegraph equipment and the electrocution of operators, as well as an extraordinary enhancement of auroras. Today, there are concerns that a similar event may have even more devastating effects on technology and the civilization that depends on it.

A geomagnetic storm of the magnitude of the solar storm of 1859 may cause billions, if not trillions, of dollars in damage to satellites, power grids, and radio communications, as well as widespread blackouts that could take weeks, months, or years to recover from.

This magnitude of electrical outages could threaten food production. For SpaceX and Tesla in particular, a significant geomagnetic storm has enormous ramifications.

Communications, navigation systems, satellite technology, and radiation dangers are SpaceX's areas of weakness. High-frequency operating military detection or early warning systems are affected by solar activity.


By bouncing signals off the ionosphere, over-the-horizon radar monitors the launch of aeroplanes and missiles from large distances. During geomagnetic storms, radio congestion can have a substantial impact on this technique.

Submarine magnetic signatures are also utilised as an input in the localization algorithms of numerous submarine detection systems. Geomagnetic storms can conceal and distort these transmissions.

Damaged communications satellites can affect non-terrestrial telephones, television, radio, and Internet connections. In 2008, the National Academy of Sciences issued a study on probable scenarios of widespread disruption during the 2012–2013 solar maximum.

A solar superstorm could cause months-long global internet outages. A study analysed the robustness of the current Internet infrastructure and discussed possible mitigation measures and exceptions, including user-powered mesh networks, associated peer-to-peer applications, and new protocols.

They discovered that the current Internet infrastructure was extremely susceptible to solar storms. Increased solar ultraviolet radiation and geomagnetic storms heat the upper atmosphere of Earth, causing it to expand. The heated air rises, causing a significant increase in density at satellite orbits up to 1,000 kilometres in altitude (621 mi).

As a result of the increased drag, satellites decelerate and alter their orbits somewhat before falling. This also explains why forty Starlink satellites lost Earth communication. Low-Earth-Orbit satellites that are not routinely boosted to higher orbits progressively descend and eventually burn up.

The loss of Skylab in 1979 was an instance of a spacecraft prematurely entering Earth's atmosphere due to higher-than-anticipated solar activity. Most likely, Starlink will also be employed for navigation. Increased solar UV radiation and geomagnetic storms heat the upper atmosphere, causing it to expand.

At satellite orbits of up to 1,000 kilometres, heated air rises, resulting in a large density increase (621 mi). As a result of the increasing drag, satellites decelerate and their orbits change, eventually crashing. This also explains why forty Starlink satellites could not communicate with Earth.

Low-Earth-Orbit satellites that are not routinely boosted to higher orbits degrade and eventually burn up if they are not boosted to higher orbits. Skylab, which was lost in 1979 due to higher-than-anticipated solar activity, was a spaceship that entered the Earth's atmosphere prematurely.

When solar activity causes abrupt changes in the ionosphere's density, satellite signals scintillate, disrupting GNSS signals (like a twinkling star). During HAARP's ionospheric modification activities, satellite signal scintillation during ionospheric disturbances is investigated.


The Jicamarca Radio Observatory has also investigated the phenomenon. Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM) is a technology that enables GPS receivers to continue functioning despite the presence of some false signals (RAIM).

RAIM is far less useful when the entire GPS constellation is affected by global events such as geomagnetic storms, as it is predicated on the premise that the majority of the GPS constellation is functioning regularly.

Radiation continues to be the most serious hazard for SpaceX astronauts. At ground level, the Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere offer sufficient radiation shielding, but astronauts are susceptible to potentially lethal radiation poisoning.

High-energy particles that penetrate living cells may cause chromosome damage, cancer, and other health problems. Large quantities can be immediately fatal. Solar protons with energies of more than 30 MeV are particularly hazardous.

Solar proton events are a unique but similar type of occurrence that can also generate higher radiation aboard aircraft operating at high altitudes. Although the risks are minimal, flight personnel may be repeatedly exposed.

Satellite instrumentation that monitors solar proton occurrences permits exposure to be monitored and studied, allowing flight paths and altitudes to be modified to lessen the dose absorbed.

Ground-level enhancements, often referred to as ground-level events or GLEs, occur when a solar particle event contains particles with sufficient energy to have effects at ground level, which are typically recognised by an increase in the number of neutrons measured at ground level.

These occurrences have been observed to affect radiation dosage, although they do not significantly raise the risk of cancer. There is still a high risk of harm to SpaceX's ground-based monitoring and communication systems.

This vital loss of communication can be fatal for astronauts. Even if the situation was not fatal, it would still be tense. Indeed, Elon Musk's objectives are frequently at the mercy of astronomical occurrences.