Elon Musk: Starship Fleet Can Deliver 1000 Times More Payload Than All Rockets On Earth

Tuesday, November 9, 2021 | Chimniii Desk
Key Highlights

  • Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, stated on Monday that the Starship is capable of carrying 1,000 times the payload of all rockets on the planet combined.
  • SpaceX is ranked second in the third quarter in terms of total payload tonnage of orbital rocket launches, only behind China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.
  • The Starship launch system, which is completely reusable, will eventually replace the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets.
  • SpaceX's goal over the next two decades is to develop a fleet of 1,000 reusable Starships.
  • Musk aspires to colonise Mars and launched SpaceX with the objective of transforming humankind into a multi-planetary species.


Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, stated on Monday that the Starship is capable of carrying 1,000 times the payload of all rockets on the planet combined.

What Happened: Musk was reacting to a Twitter post sharing a Bryce Space Tech study detailing the third-quarter orbital launches by various operators.

SpaceX is ranked second in the third quarter in terms of total payload tonnage of orbital rocket launches, only behind China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation.

According to the data, CASC launched around 45,010 kilos of payload in the third quarter, while SpaceX launched 32,634 kilogrammes using its Falcon 9 rocket fleet.

"Indeed, SpaceX plans to launch 41 tonnes in Q3 and 80 tonnes in Q4. Having said that, China's launch mass to orbit is truly remarkable "Musk sent a tweet.

Later in the interview, he stated that the Starship fleet is capable of delivering "1,000 times the payload" of all rockets combined and that "virtually no one understands this."


Why It Is Important: Musk had stated in July that SpaceX is designing a completely reusable Starship capable of transporting a payload of approximately 150 tonnes to low Earth orbit and approximately 250 tonnes when disposable.

The Starship launch system, which is completely reusable, will eventually replace the Falcon 9 and Falcon Heavy rockets. SpaceX's goal over the next two decades is to develop a fleet of 1,000 reusable Starships.

Musk aspires to colonise Mars and launched SpaceX with the objective of transforming humankind into a multiplanetary species. He previously stated that he is "very certain" that SpaceX would land humans on Mars before 2026.
